Monday, August 26, 2019

"Take Time For Jesus" with Earl and Sarah has received an email correspondence from India.

Today’s program was I think one of
the best I have heard. Because we live in India and there are so many religions here, we don’t get a lot of Christian programming. We appreciate your outreach to us and Jesus is making a difference for our lives in Mumbai

Friday, August 23, 2019

Starting This Month On Phoenix Broadcasting

Dr. J. Vernon McGee; 

There is no substitute for a study of God's Word to make one well oriented for the great adventure of life!

Thru the Bible is a 30-minute Bible study radio program that takes the listener through the entire Bible in just 5 years, going back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. This Bible study program has been aired on radio stations in the U.S. since 1967, and is now being aired in over 200 countries around the globe.

Dr. J. Vernon McGee was an active participant in this radio ministry for 47 exciting years. When his health began to fail, plans were made in advance to decide how the Bible study program would continue in the event of his home going. The message would remain the same and the "voice" of Thru the Bible Radio would continue to be Dr. McGee, through the use of the taped 5-year program.

After our Savior called Dr. McGee home in December of 1988, the program's reach continued to grow. Today, Thru the Bible is a worldwide ministry airing on over 800 stations in the U.S. and Canada, and heard in more than 100 languages and dialects around the world. Our mission is simple and the same one Dr. McGee himself embraced: To take the whole Word to the whole world.