Tuesday, July 27, 2021

How To Increase Your Income

 I am amazed at the number of people I am running into that are over their head in debt. Yet don't do anything to cut back their standard of living. Why? Because of obligations like rent, kids, transportation, medical issues and numinous others. The only choice is to increase their income. But how?

I learned a long time ago. If I want to make more money? Then I must increase my value. People only pay you for your value. If you are sick and need to get better ?You will pay a doctor a lot of money because feeling better is valuable to you. 

Do you know what creates value? It's "Leverage".  If you are sick and you need someone to make you feel better. They have leverage over you. So they have value to you.

On the other hand. Someone wants you to pay them to clean your home. You pay them very little. Why? They have no leverage. you can clean it yourself. 

The more leverage you have. The more value you have. The more you are value the more someone is willing to pay you. 

Monday, July 19, 2021

How to Start a Business

There are five steps to starting a business. Each step in the process is vital. 

First step in starting a business. 

1 - Research; this is the most important part. Learn all you can about your market. Is there a real need for what you do. Study your competitors. How do they generate business, what products do they sell, what are there policy's, how do they advertise. Nothing will tell you more about your market than studying your competitors.

2 - Building it (what you need): First you will need to use the results from your research to create a Mission Statement". (It defines what you will and will not do). Then put together a Business Plan that lays out your strategy based on your research and Mission Statement. Remember, "No One Plans To Fail, They Fail To Plan". Then set up your business to function as required for full filling your obligations. Buy inventory, build a website, rent property. What ever you need. Just remember why most new business fail . It's not because they don't make enough money. It's because they spend too much. As I was once told. "As long as it gets the job done? Any damned old piece of junk will work.  

3 - Marketing: This depends heavily on your research. What are your competitors doing to reach their customers. Focus on the most successful competitors you have. Determine is your desired demographic watching TV, listening to radio, texting on social media or still reading newspapers? What time of the week and day is the best time to reach a "target rich environment". Don't get distracted by the media hype and showmen-ship, Focus on your message.

4 - Selling (close the deal) : Once you have your possible customers interest. Close the sale by addressing their needs. Don't focus on what you do (a major mistake of businesses) focus on what they need. Ask questions about their problem. Offer solutions on how you can solve it. Remember you are their friend that wants to help them. Not a snake oil salesman.

5 - Work The Business : This is where you earn your money. Up to this point you haven't had total control of the process. Here is where it's all on you. Pay attention to details. "Good enough" is never "good enough". Finish the job like a professional so you can ask for a referral. New businesses need all they can get. Don't expect perfection from yourself... Demand it!

Friday, July 16, 2021

 Isaiah 47:12-15

Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail.

Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.

Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured, even thy merchants, from thy youth: they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee.

Monday, July 5, 2021

America Has A Lot Of Nerve Criticizing the Nazi's

Back in 1973 the Supreme Court used a case (Roe vs Wade) to move into the legislative part of government and declared abortion legal. This has resulted in the the abortion of millions and millions of the innocent.

American women have bought in to the lie that it's their body and they can do what they want. But is it? In reality it's the unborn's body. They have their own heart beat, their own finger prints, their own toe and finger nails. Their own DNA and their own unique chromosomes.

A whole industry has sprung up because of that decision. Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with planning anything but genocide. In the inner city it's even worse. Plan Parenthood has the vast majority of their clinics in black neighborhoods. The founder Margret Sanger was a known racist that believed abortion was the best way to eradicate and or keep control the black population. It is estimated that the black population in America is now half what it could be, because of abortion

Let's Take A Historical View

Adolf Hitler was responsible for murdering of 11,000,000. 

Joseph Stalin was responsible for murdering of 21,000,000. 

Mao Sea-tung was responsible for murdering of 70,000,000. 

American Abortion Clinics between 1973-2017 were responsible for murdering over 62,000,000  

But what's the real result of all of this. Beautiful little children that will never see a morning sunrise, never go to their first day of school. Never go to their fist school dance, never go on their first date, Never graduate from high school. Never get married, never see their children born, never watch their children's first steps. Never make love, argue, cry, rejoice, plan, dream. work, play or grow old, Never see their grand children. Never have the experiences we take for granted. American's have a lot nerve having a righteous indignation towards the Nazi's. When we are proving everyday to be far worse!