Monday, August 23, 2021

There something very sinister about this whole Covid Virus and vaccine.

In 2020 the new manufactured virus from China rips across the world filling up hospital's, cemeteries' and closing economies. Then 2021 in comes the vaccine to save the human race. But no wait! here comes the new strain of the virus. (Only thing I can say good about it. At least it won't allow for some people to manipulating another election.) This strain is said to be 6 times more contagious then the first. Remember that vaunted vaccine? Don't work, on the new strain. You might need a third injection to protect you from a virus that you have a better than 99% of surviving.  

But there's something very sinister about this whole Covid Virus and vaccine. People are getting identified as to if they did or if they didn't get the vaccine (passports). Business are starting to identify their employees by their compliance. In some areas it has turned into plain tyranny. The prejudice against people just for making their God given right to decide their own health issues. Without a vaccine passport people can't fly on planes, get on trains. In some cases they can't buy or Anti-Christ (Rev 13). Now the push is on to inject children. To the point of separating them from their parents and stripping them of the parental rights. Does this sound like a free nation with Justices and Liberty for all?

But the bottom line in all this?

Could someone explain to me. Why people are getting vaccines for a virus that has an over a 99% survivability rate? Plus even with the vaccine it won't keep them from getting the very thing the vaccines is supposed to protect them from? Oh! "But if you get sick it's not going to be as bad." Really? based on what study or research? I haven't heard of anything that supports that out of the UK or anywhere else.
OMG, Can you Imagine, if we gave vaccines to babies to protect them from diseases? That they are still going to get anyway? Where is the logic?
In Business As In Life.. Any Decision Made From Fear Is The Wrong One.