Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Today I saw a disturbing video on LinkedIn. It was talking about this "Equity" agenda that is now the new project of the PC leftist. The bases of their argument is that you are racist and don't know that your are and you are doing racist things. What a bunch of BS! This is like asking someone "Have you stopped beating you wife yet?" It's a simple con job thta's trying to control people. It's much like Scientology's teaching that you are being effected buy impulses that are controlling your behavior. But you don't realize it because you can't tell you are being effected by impulses from outer space. I can't logically see how there can be any racist motivated action without intent. Even if this was true (and I think it's a Load Of CRAP!) But even if it were true. Who is going to determine what actions and thoughts are racist? Who will be the finally say on what is unacceptable behavior. Five bucks says it's some government bureaucrat who never had a real job or worked in the private sector. You can expect this brainwashing to start showing up in your kids schools, on your job. Social and economic pressure from the elites is alreay starting. So now tell me about how much you love living in a free country?

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