Saturday, March 20, 2021

Learning From History?

It is interesting and tragic to see how history is being distorted. How can one learn from history unless they have an accurate accounting? There is currently a movement to distort our Christian heritage and erase it from our history There could be books written on this subject. But here are two prime examples. First Pocahontas. Disney has made her out to be some environmentalist extremist. Others have said she had a love affair with John Smith. Neither are true. John Smith was in his early 30's. Pocahontas was a preteen around 11 years old at the time of their encounter. The truth is that Pocahontas is significant in history because she was the first convert to Christianity on the North American continent. The second is example is one many people now days have never heard of "Johnny Apple Seed". His real name was John Chapman. One thing he did was to established apple orchards throughout the Midwest. But if you think, "no one would leave the comfort of civilization just to plant apple trees?" You would be correct. In fact John Chapman was a missionary. He left the comfort of civilization to bring the Word Of God to the American Indians. There is a famous quote attributed to many people in the past. "If we fail to learn from history. We are domed to make the same mistakes". But first we must have an accurate record of history.

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