Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Rise And Fall Of The United States of America

Back in 1776 a new nation came on the world stage. That was unlike any other in history. Based on representative government that was by, for and of the people. (That has all been lost in the last one hundred years because of unscrupulous people.)  Keep in mind, nations come and go throughout history. The mighty Roman empire was around for 13 centuries but it also disappeared. All these nations served their purpose and left the stage of history. Any student of the Bible can tell you this even at a causal reading. 

Over the decades America became a strong a powerful nation. As I study history the peak of that power came in WWII. Leading up to the only nation with an Atomic weapon that just "one" could kill hundreds of thousands of people. This power and the Nazi's persecuting of "undesirable" people that lead to over eleven million deaths. In large part over six million were Jews. The nation of Israel was reestablished. America not only was instrumental in Israel's come back. But also was the first nation to recognize the new state.  

But since that time America has been in decline. It's been like a snowball going down hill. A little at first then faster and faster as it picks up speed and brings about more and more destruction to itself. It doesn't take a genius to see what's going on here. Any student of the Bible should see it. As John the baptist said about the Lord Jesus Christ "I must decrease and he must increase" I believe that's what's happening here. America came on the scene for one main purpose. The establishing of Israel for the third and final time. Now it will exist forever.

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