Friday, December 31, 2021

The Big Lie About The Vaccine

 The big lie is "If you get the Covid virus and you've been vaccinated? The illness won't be as severe. Really?

 How do they know that? Everyone is different and reacts differently. So you are comparing an non-existent

 reaction with an unknown reaction. How can something that hasn't happened be compared to something that

 hasn't happened. They have no way of knowing if the vaccine helps or not!

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Covid Reality

 In the past week I have heard from other Doctors other than the ones the media pushes at us.

They said that if you have been infected with the Covid you have a very slim chance of getting it again. Next, if you have had it and you get the vaccine you will have 6 time to 8 times worse side effects.

Speaking of the vaccine. It is not living up to the hype. It loses effectiveness over time. Why do you think you are having more boosters pushed on you? 

Ask yourself. How many Polio vaccines did you get? How many for missiles? How many for Whooping Cough? How many for mumps? Yes you get a different flu shot every year. But that is a different virus. Oh So this why we need boosters?

Well Then... If this is a flu why are people losing their jobs because they refuse to get the vaccine for a virus they have a better than 99% chance of surviving?

Friday, September 17, 2021

So You Think The Universe Gives You Stuff?


Billionaire fund manager Gundlach debunks ‘transitory' inflation

Billionaire bond fund manager Jeffrey Gundlach worries the manufacturing sector is flashing signs that inflation will be more than just "transitory."

Inventories remain at a "very, very low level," Gundlach, CEO and chief investment officer of Los Angeles-based DoubleLine Capital, which has $137 billion in assets under management, said during a conference call Tuesday evening. "This is not supportive of inflation being transitory." 

Doesn't Matter Who's In Power Socialist Democrats Answer To Everything Is More Taxes


Now Show Me Your Picture Of Uncle Joe With American Police And Fire Fighters...


Distractor And Thief


Smart Phones Dumb Parents

 I am so grateful we didn't have smart phones when my kids where growing up. I see so many people ignoring their young kids. Obsessed with their smart phone. Wonder if in 10 years they will be on their device (we use then) while attending their kids funeral after they OD on drugs.

Not King or the Sole Dictator

 The fales President Biden thinks he is a King or the Sole Dictator. That can threaten your job and financial well being. If you don't bend the knee to his vaccine.

Just Like 1937 Germany

 I had a great idea. Let's make all the unvaccinated wear a yellow round badge with a black "A" written on it. Like the Jews wore back in Nazi Germany.

Pro Choice

 Just realized I am now Pro-choice. I believe in a women's right to choose if she wants to get the vaccine or not. Just like I believe in a man's right to make the same choice!

Monday, August 23, 2021

There something very sinister about this whole Covid Virus and vaccine.

In 2020 the new manufactured virus from China rips across the world filling up hospital's, cemeteries' and closing economies. Then 2021 in comes the vaccine to save the human race. But no wait! here comes the new strain of the virus. (Only thing I can say good about it. At least it won't allow for some people to manipulating another election.) This strain is said to be 6 times more contagious then the first. Remember that vaunted vaccine? Don't work, on the new strain. You might need a third injection to protect you from a virus that you have a better than 99% of surviving.  

But there's something very sinister about this whole Covid Virus and vaccine. People are getting identified as to if they did or if they didn't get the vaccine (passports). Business are starting to identify their employees by their compliance. In some areas it has turned into plain tyranny. The prejudice against people just for making their God given right to decide their own health issues. Without a vaccine passport people can't fly on planes, get on trains. In some cases they can't buy or Anti-Christ (Rev 13). Now the push is on to inject children. To the point of separating them from their parents and stripping them of the parental rights. Does this sound like a free nation with Justices and Liberty for all?

But the bottom line in all this?

Could someone explain to me. Why people are getting vaccines for a virus that has an over a 99% survivability rate? Plus even with the vaccine it won't keep them from getting the very thing the vaccines is supposed to protect them from? Oh! "But if you get sick it's not going to be as bad." Really? based on what study or research? I haven't heard of anything that supports that out of the UK or anywhere else.
OMG, Can you Imagine, if we gave vaccines to babies to protect them from diseases? That they are still going to get anyway? Where is the logic?
In Business As In Life.. Any Decision Made From Fear Is The Wrong One.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

How To Increase Your Income

 I am amazed at the number of people I am running into that are over their head in debt. Yet don't do anything to cut back their standard of living. Why? Because of obligations like rent, kids, transportation, medical issues and numinous others. The only choice is to increase their income. But how?

I learned a long time ago. If I want to make more money? Then I must increase my value. People only pay you for your value. If you are sick and need to get better ?You will pay a doctor a lot of money because feeling better is valuable to you. 

Do you know what creates value? It's "Leverage".  If you are sick and you need someone to make you feel better. They have leverage over you. So they have value to you.

On the other hand. Someone wants you to pay them to clean your home. You pay them very little. Why? They have no leverage. you can clean it yourself. 

The more leverage you have. The more value you have. The more you are value the more someone is willing to pay you. 

Monday, July 19, 2021

How to Start a Business

There are five steps to starting a business. Each step in the process is vital. 

First step in starting a business. 

1 - Research; this is the most important part. Learn all you can about your market. Is there a real need for what you do. Study your competitors. How do they generate business, what products do they sell, what are there policy's, how do they advertise. Nothing will tell you more about your market than studying your competitors.

2 - Building it (what you need): First you will need to use the results from your research to create a Mission Statement". (It defines what you will and will not do). Then put together a Business Plan that lays out your strategy based on your research and Mission Statement. Remember, "No One Plans To Fail, They Fail To Plan". Then set up your business to function as required for full filling your obligations. Buy inventory, build a website, rent property. What ever you need. Just remember why most new business fail . It's not because they don't make enough money. It's because they spend too much. As I was once told. "As long as it gets the job done? Any damned old piece of junk will work.  

3 - Marketing: This depends heavily on your research. What are your competitors doing to reach their customers. Focus on the most successful competitors you have. Determine is your desired demographic watching TV, listening to radio, texting on social media or still reading newspapers? What time of the week and day is the best time to reach a "target rich environment". Don't get distracted by the media hype and showmen-ship, Focus on your message.

4 - Selling (close the deal) : Once you have your possible customers interest. Close the sale by addressing their needs. Don't focus on what you do (a major mistake of businesses) focus on what they need. Ask questions about their problem. Offer solutions on how you can solve it. Remember you are their friend that wants to help them. Not a snake oil salesman.

5 - Work The Business : This is where you earn your money. Up to this point you haven't had total control of the process. Here is where it's all on you. Pay attention to details. "Good enough" is never "good enough". Finish the job like a professional so you can ask for a referral. New businesses need all they can get. Don't expect perfection from yourself... Demand it!

Friday, July 16, 2021

 Isaiah 47:12-15

Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail.

Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.

Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured, even thy merchants, from thy youth: they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee.

Monday, July 5, 2021

America Has A Lot Of Nerve Criticizing the Nazi's

Back in 1973 the Supreme Court used a case (Roe vs Wade) to move into the legislative part of government and declared abortion legal. This has resulted in the the abortion of millions and millions of the innocent.

American women have bought in to the lie that it's their body and they can do what they want. But is it? In reality it's the unborn's body. They have their own heart beat, their own finger prints, their own toe and finger nails. Their own DNA and their own unique chromosomes.

A whole industry has sprung up because of that decision. Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with planning anything but genocide. In the inner city it's even worse. Plan Parenthood has the vast majority of their clinics in black neighborhoods. The founder Margret Sanger was a known racist that believed abortion was the best way to eradicate and or keep control the black population. It is estimated that the black population in America is now half what it could be, because of abortion

Let's Take A Historical View

Adolf Hitler was responsible for murdering of 11,000,000. 

Joseph Stalin was responsible for murdering of 21,000,000. 

Mao Sea-tung was responsible for murdering of 70,000,000. 

American Abortion Clinics between 1973-2017 were responsible for murdering over 62,000,000  

But what's the real result of all of this. Beautiful little children that will never see a morning sunrise, never go to their first day of school. Never go to their fist school dance, never go on their first date, Never graduate from high school. Never get married, never see their children born, never watch their children's first steps. Never make love, argue, cry, rejoice, plan, dream. work, play or grow old, Never see their grand children. Never have the experiences we take for granted. American's have a lot nerve having a righteous indignation towards the Nazi's. When we are proving everyday to be far worse!


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Writing A New Story

It is true that we are a product of our up bringing. We are raised mostly by good people that have tough us what they learned. To accept their lot in life and just bare with it. Many of us have accepted that things are as they are and that's all that will be. 

But there are two things about life that can't be denied. One; Life is too short (even if you live to be 90). Two: Life is fluid. It never stays the same. If you think I am wrong go look in the mirror.

I have read many books in the past few years. But one takes this issue head on. I am currently reading Tony Robbin's "Money, Master The Game" In it he talks about our lives as a story we live every day. He talks about people having the courage to make a new story for themselves. 

How? Normally it starts by not being dissatisfied with your current situation and graving a change. This is not just a simple unhappiness. It is a desire to work hard. Willing to go back to school, get the certification or starting over at the bottom new field and then working on moving up the ladder. Maybe by moving where to an area where you can accomplish your goal.

Some example

A man I know was working dead end jobs unloading trucks in warehouses. He always wanted to work on computers. So he got the certification he needed and today he works on computers.

There's a woman who wanted to have a carrier and make more money. She had been working in stores and other low wage jobs. Today she is in school to be a hair stylist. 

It's not just people looking to move up from low wages and dead end jobs. There was a unhappy woman that was a counselor with a Masters degree. Now she a flight attendant for a major airlines.

All these and and many other people decided to break the mold push themselves OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE. and change their story.
What about you? Is the story you are living the one to be written on your tombstone? Or is there more out there for you?

Monday, June 28, 2021

Keep Taking The Blue Bill and You Will Soon Be Living In Venezuela (part one)

For those of you who are still taking the blue pill and for all of you who vote for socialist Democrats. Your world is about to come crashing down on you. You have arrogantly voted for the Democratic party. Without taking the time to find out what they stand for or what their goals are. Never mind that they are opening the southern boarder and letting in anyone that wants to enter for what ever reason. Even though they will swarm across the land like locus interning a wheat field. The illegals for the most part are good hard working people. But on the other hand they get free health care in many states. Are you forced to pay for healthcare?Many get free college tuition for their kids. Now think. Do your kids getting that or they burdened with astronomic student debit? They pay on for decades? 
Plus besides all this. 
There are all kinds of undesirables coming over the border.  Human traffickers, drug cartels and so on. 
Plus democratic's want to pass higher taxes on the rich. Might sound good. But first of all rich people are rich for a reason. They know how money works. You don't or you would be rich. Secondly rich people will simple move their money out the country. That means all the investment to grow businesses and the economy will go away. Lastly, now think (should be a new experience for some). When was the last time you got a job from a poor person? How does raising taxes on the rich make your life better? Not At All! In fact its counter productive.
The Socialist Democrats have closed down the oil pipeline and cut US production of oil. So, gas prices are up $1 over what they were a year ago. Guess what everything is either moved by oil or made from oil. Welcome to your new reality blue pill takers. It's Called INFLATION people!(end of part one)

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Isaiah 13:6-13

Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt: And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames. Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Todays Americans Are About To Wake Up To A Nightmare!

We are now living a very prosperous life in America. Even poor American's have a better standard of living than the majority of the world's population. That's all thanks to the hard work and sacrifices of past generations. Meanwhile many Americans have become so obnoxiously entitled. The internet is full of people talking about how they deserve this and they deserve that. In their defence they have never known any different. But that is all soon going to change. The law of the harvest is about to kick in. It's not a judgment from God. But a simple truth. "Whatsoever a man soweth that also shall he reap". America and the western world can't continue to be an economy based on consumption and produce next to nothing. In goods for the rest of world. It can't print trillions of worthless dollars and not have the value of that money collapse in hyperinflation. It can’t keep printing and spending money to pay entitlements for people who are not producing anything. It can’t keep propping up an overpriced stock market and housing market. Ignoring the fact that the bubble is going to burst. The government has become the center of the ecomony. Governments don’t generate wealth. Only producing products does. Despite what the government and media is saying. Many top economists are saying things are about to change drastically.Yet other economists and hedge fund managers don't say it verbally. But are saying it with their actions. They're moving billions of dollars out of stocks and into gold and crypto. This isn’t rocket science. It’s simple economic logic and some studying of history. “If we fail to learn from history we are doomed to make the same mistakes. That’s about to happen

Thursday, May 20, 2021

This will be worse.

We have 3 bubbles right now. The stock market (P/E's through the roof), the housing market (people are paying 25% over asking price in some cases) and Crypto Currency. 2000 Dot Com bubble was bad. 2008 Housing bubble was bad. This will be worse. Ray Dalio says "we are near the end of a long-term debt cycle".

Friday, May 14, 2021

Galatians 6:7

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Friday, May 7, 2021

1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

More Thoughts From The Free Mind

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Shocking In Depth Report That Proves The Financial System Is Going To Co...

Proverbs 30:15-16

There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough: The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, It is enough.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

🔴 The Fed Can't Be Honest About Inflation - Ep 688

Proverbs 30:11-14

There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up.

Proverbs 30:4

Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Romans 1:26-27

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Romans 1:26-28

More Thoughts From The Free Mind

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Top 3 Causes of Death in 2020

According to the CDC the top 3 causes of death last year. #1 HEART DISEASE 690k #2 CANCER 598k #3 WUHAN VIRUS (COVID 19) 345k When Is The Last Time The Media Told You This? DON'T TRUST THEM!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Wall Street Banks Prepare For Biggest Financial Reset Since 1971 Gold St...

New York City is a Sh*thole

What Happen

America has always been a place where people came to work hard and improve their lives. They had opportunities here that they could never have in the old country. A man could come here with his family. Work hard and have a better life. His children would graduate high school while his grandchildren would graduate from college. They worked hard, played hard, lived hard and stuck together as a family. Fast forward fifty years later... WHAT HAPPEN? We have become a nation full of self obsessed narcissist that feel entitled to every think in life we want AND WE BETTER GET IT RIGHT NOW!!! Or there is going to be HELL to pay! I have noticed how impatient people are now? Like their time is the only time that is of value? You will see this everyday in the stores you go to. They feel violated at work if they don't get to text on their cell phones. Not on break... ON THE JOB! When I was young you were lucky if you could receive an emergency phone call at work. It's like this whole country has turned into the Kardashians. Living as if only they matter. I am shocked by how many people now don't even look where they are going when driving. It's not that they figure others will get out of their. I don't think they even consider someone else might be on their road. I could go on for days writing about this. These are just a few examples I have experienced in the last twenty minutes. I have noticed it's easy to fall into this mindset. With all the rushing around and new technology that makes things so impersonal and is disconnecting us from each other. All this will make the coming calamity even harder on us. As we have lived so well for so long. It will be very hard for us to get use to doing with less.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Proverbs 16

"All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits." Proverbs 16:2 "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 16:25

Classic Mark Twain

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

War Is On the Horzion

Not sure you noticed. But things are raelly heating up around the world. China is making moves to invade Taiwan. While Russia is close to war with the Ukraine. The sad thing is if the USA gets involved in any of these situations. It will not be a conflict like we have seen in the Middle East the past twenty years. It will look more like WWII on steroids. But not to worry. When China and Russia make their move Biden and the leftist will cower in the corner. Thinking they can buy or talk their way out of it. Even if Biden wanted to stand against them. Unfortunately in spite of Donald Trump's trying to build up the military. It is being so emasculated by the left that America will not be able to stand against either China or Russia. We will worry about PC things like curatorial damage, women in combat and transgender rights. China and Russia will fight to win... AND THEY WILL!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Updated and New Radio Shows

Brand new episodes of your favorite shows. Plus "Faithful Moms" NOW on

Modern Age

At this time in human history, life has never been easier. The first big difference from other times? We aren't worried about what we are going to eat today. When was the last time you went out hunting, knowing if you didn't bring something home you wouldn't eat today? Ever worried about bad weather in the summer that meant you could starve in the winter? This alone separates us from almost all of history. We also have the most convenient technologies to make our lives easier. When is the last time you ironed a shirt or put your washing through a ringer (if you even know what that is)? When did you ever make butter or ice cream? Any of you ever pluck a chicken before you dressed it for cooking? Plus we have such advanced communication that we can be plugged in to the world and carry it around in our pocket. We can know in seconds what past generations needed sometimes more than a year to hear about. We can video chat with people on the other side of the world like they are in the next room. We have all kinds of medical capabilities that were never dreamed possible just a few decades ago. People are now free to pursue whatever path in life they want. To choose whatever life style or sexual persuasion they want and never worry about the consequences of their actions. There is no fear of judgment from the apostate churches, that have bought into all the lifestyles that are being promoted. We now know more, we can go there faster, we can live longer, eat better and do whatever we please. AND WE HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE MISERABLE AND UNHAPPY!!!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2021


"Honestly... you don't believe man walked on the moon. You don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot John f Kennedy. You don't trust the government to tell you the truth about UFOs. But everything they say about this Chinese virus is true. What am I missing here?"

Thursday, April 8, 2021

"no amendment to the Constitution is absolute"

Joesph (Stalin) Biden, today said "no amendment to the Constitution is absolute" Translation... You Have No Rights!

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Today I saw a disturbing video on LinkedIn. It was talking about this "Equity" agenda that is now the new project of the PC leftist. The bases of their argument is that you are racist and don't know that your are and you are doing racist things. What a bunch of BS! This is like asking someone "Have you stopped beating you wife yet?" It's a simple con job thta's trying to control people. It's much like Scientology's teaching that you are being effected buy impulses that are controlling your behavior. But you don't realize it because you can't tell you are being effected by impulses from outer space. I can't logically see how there can be any racist motivated action without intent. Even if this was true (and I think it's a Load Of CRAP!) But even if it were true. Who is going to determine what actions and thoughts are racist? Who will be the finally say on what is unacceptable behavior. Five bucks says it's some government bureaucrat who never had a real job or worked in the private sector. You can expect this brainwashing to start showing up in your kids schools, on your job. Social and economic pressure from the elites is alreay starting. So now tell me about how much you love living in a free country?

Monday, April 5, 2021

Logic Of Gun Control

The Pickup Artist

Years ago I new a man who was quite a good pickup artist. He would go out to bars and pickup women and bring them home and have sex with them. I can't say these woman were single, they could have been in relationship or even married. 

He and I couldn't be more opposite. He told me respected my Judaeo Christian values. He once confided in me that after he had sex with some woman he picked up. He was filled with a great since of conquest. The definition of the word conquest is "The subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force." However I don't think he needed force, just alcohol.

You women remember that. The next time you spread your legs for a total stranger.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Vaccine Friend or Foe

What bothers me about this Chinese virus vaccine is the long term unknown effects. Just as we are going to see the ramification of shutting down the economy in the years to come. Like inflation (from the stimulus), housing market collapse (from all the rent relief), lost jobs (from all the permanently closed business).


 Don't think it can happen! Back in the 1950's Thalidomide was given to pregnant women suffering from morning sickness. Unfortunately for their children, they were born with birth defects. That drug was researched and approved through normally channels and dependence to an unsuspecting public.


Turn the clock a head 60 plus years. We have a vaccine that has been rushed through the research and approval stages and has been promoted as the saviour of the human race. The news media promotes the safety of the vaccine. But dose anyone trust a word out of their mouth. How much money do you think it would take to buy off the crooked fake news media? 


Just as no one knows how someone will react to the vaccine. Likewise no one knows the long term affects either.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021


We Must Be Doing Something Right!

 Our live stream at this month recorded on average a listener listening time of over 109 minutes. Thanks to shows like "Through the Bible ", "The Captain's America",  "Take Time For Jesus", "The Rational Basis of Happiness". Plus air personalities like "Dr .J. Vernon McGee", "Ron Edwards",  "Michael King", "Jason Dowd" and The "Grey Guardian". Thanks for listening.   

Monday, March 29, 2021


Last week I saw an interesting video on YouTube. In it the host made an interesting analysis. He said when the Federal Reserve creates money and gives it to the banks it is past on to lenders and doesn't really effect the economy. But it is instrumental in raising stock prices. 


However when they give it directly to the people (Stimulus payments). It gets spent in the real economy and generates real inflation. This is also going to happen as we see a $15 minimum wage start. 


Here is the dirty little secret about a $15 minimum wage. It won't make a difference in changing anyone's life. Why? Because businesses will also increase prices to off set the lose in profits. So everyone will be back at square one. However for those on a fixed income the results of inflation will be devastating. As they lose purchasing power.


But...A major cause of inflation has already been put in motion. Biden's war on domestic oil will have devastating effects on the economy. Not just the lose of jobs. But also the fact that imported oil is more expensive. Not only will diving cost you more. But just about everything is made from petroleum (oil). As it goes up in price everything it is used to produce will too.

Look around you, everything is made of plastic. Cell phones, TV's, computers, medical and industrial supplies. The list is almost endless. Including your cloths. Many are made in part of polyester and yes that's  an oil by product.  


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday

 Today is Palm  Sunday. This is the day Yeshua (Jesus)  was presented ed to Israel as their King. Interesting thing is if a King rode into a neighboring country on a donkey (ass), he came in peace. If he rode in on a horse he came to make war. 

In Revelations when he comes back to Israel he is riding a white horse.That starts the battle of Armageddon.

Monday, March 22, 2021





Phoenix Broadcasting Network



Our Future Apponitment

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" Hebrews 9;27

Sorry people the creator of all things (*Col 1:14-17) will not judge us by our standards. It will be by his! 



Saturday, March 20, 2021

Learning From History?

It is interesting and tragic to see how history is being distorted. How can one learn from history unless they have an accurate accounting? There is currently a movement to distort our Christian heritage and erase it from our history There could be books written on this subject. But here are two prime examples. First Pocahontas. Disney has made her out to be some environmentalist extremist. Others have said she had a love affair with John Smith. Neither are true. John Smith was in his early 30's. Pocahontas was a preteen around 11 years old at the time of their encounter. The truth is that Pocahontas is significant in history because she was the first convert to Christianity on the North American continent. The second is example is one many people now days have never heard of "Johnny Apple Seed". His real name was John Chapman. One thing he did was to established apple orchards throughout the Midwest. But if you think, "no one would leave the comfort of civilization just to plant apple trees?" You would be correct. In fact John Chapman was a missionary. He left the comfort of civilization to bring the Word Of God to the American Indians. There is a famous quote attributed to many people in the past. "If we fail to learn from history. We are domed to make the same mistakes". But first we must have an accurate record of history.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Not Free

It's almost humorist listening to Leftist Socialist criticize the American free Market system. Especially when we haven't had a free market economy in America for well over 100 years. A free market economy is based on “the best product or service at the best price.” It's all based on the idea that one can produce and sell a product or service that people will buy. What keeps the price down is that someone else will also produce that product or service and try to out sell the first person or out preform them. Enter the US Federal Government. In it's wisdom, it started to try to control businesses and the economy. It now totally regulates the economy. The feds have put regulations on businesses and imposed laws that cost companies emoney and that hurts their profit. Just take the current situation with the oil industry. The government has come in and all but shut that American industry down. If you haven't noticed it? You will at the gas pump very soon. But to hear someone criticize capitalism, is a JOKE! The US economy has nothing to do with capitalism anymore...not even close. Now that big corporations are buying off government officials and politicians. We now have what the Nobel Prize Winning economist Milton Freedman called the worst possible situation. Big Government and Big Business in bed Together! Just look at the Gamestop stock market odyssey in January of this year. There weren't any calls from government officials to investigate the hedge funds trying to destroy the company. No they called for investigations into all the Redit people that cost those hedge funds billions of dollars. I Rest My Case!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Rise And Fall Of The United States of America

Back in 1776 a new nation came on the world stage. That was unlike any other in history. Based on representative government that was by, for and of the people. (That has all been lost in the last one hundred years because of unscrupulous people.)  Keep in mind, nations come and go throughout history. The mighty Roman empire was around for 13 centuries but it also disappeared. All these nations served their purpose and left the stage of history. Any student of the Bible can tell you this even at a causal reading. 

Over the decades America became a strong a powerful nation. As I study history the peak of that power came in WWII. Leading up to the only nation with an Atomic weapon that just "one" could kill hundreds of thousands of people. This power and the Nazi's persecuting of "undesirable" people that lead to over eleven million deaths. In large part over six million were Jews. The nation of Israel was reestablished. America not only was instrumental in Israel's come back. But also was the first nation to recognize the new state.  

But since that time America has been in decline. It's been like a snowball going down hill. A little at first then faster and faster as it picks up speed and brings about more and more destruction to itself. It doesn't take a genius to see what's going on here. Any student of the Bible should see it. As John the baptist said about the Lord Jesus Christ "I must decrease and he must increase" I believe that's what's happening here. America came on the scene for one main purpose. The establishing of Israel for the third and final time. Now it will exist forever.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Why Get Married?

Recently I read an interesting article. The author made the observation that there is no longer a reason for a man to get married in this current culture. 

His observation is... In the past a man would work plus do laundry, cooking, cleaning and take care of other house hold jobs. When he got married his wife would take over those duties along with taking care of the couples children. This freed up the man to go out and pursue financial security for the family unit. But now women work out side the home full time. In all honesty thanks to technology jobs that took the better part of the day. Like laundry and ironing now are done in an hour or two. 

But now men get married and end up still doing at least half of the house hold chores. He is back to square one. So why bother with all that comes with marriage? When he still is doing laundry, cleaning, cooking other duties and now child care too? Plus since so many woman are willing to have sex out side of marriage? "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"

So a lot of men have decided it's not a good deal. Then when you through in 50% of marriages don't work and the woman get almost everything (including rights to the children). It becomes a valueless arrangement to enter.

The sad thing is with women now working so much the kids are the ones that suffer. The kids are raised by strangers not in a loving environment with a motherly figure. But it balances out. People put their kids in daycare a few weeks after birth and go live their lives. In time the kids will stick them in a old folks home and go live their lives.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Stock Market Crash

Alright now things are getting scary. There is saying from the stock markets. "When other are celebrating Sell! When other are panicking buy!" Well there is a lot of celebrating going on. All you need to do is look at the PE Ratio's (Price/Earnings Ratio).  

Historically a good range for the PE Ratio is 10% to 17%. But now they are running out of control 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% I saw one yesterday that was at 150%. But wait has the earnings of these companies gone up that much? 

That would be A BIG FAT NO!

So what's happening? Opinion's vary. One thing is for sure. If you see smoke there is normally fire and soon things come crashing down. Well the marketing and stocks are smoking right Now!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Stimulus Disaster

Americans will soon get money from the government again. Many people really need the cash. But it's a 2 edge sword. Yes it will heat up the economy but it will also bring in more inflation. Inflation is the worst tax of all. It effects the poor and those on fixed incomes the hardest. 

Unfortunately most people will waist the stimulus money on depreciating items. Some will pay credit cards off that they will soon rack up again.

Very few will invest the money and send all those dollars out to go make more like themself. And NO lottery tickets are not investing.