Back in 1973 the Supreme Court used a case (Roe vs Wade) to move into the legislative part of government and declared abortion legal. This has resulted in the the abortion of millions and millions of the innocent.
American women have bought in to the lie that it's their body and they can do what they want. But is it? In reality it's the unborn's body. They have their own heart beat, their own finger prints, their own toe and finger nails. Their own DNA and their own unique chromosomes.
A whole industry has sprung up because of that decision. Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with planning anything but genocide. In the inner city it's even worse. Plan Parenthood has the vast majority of their clinics in black neighborhoods. The founder Margret Sanger was a known racist that believed abortion was the best way to eradicate and or keep control the black population. It is estimated that the black population in America is now half what it could be, because of abortion
Let's Take A Historical View
Adolf Hitler was responsible for murdering of 11,000,000.
Joseph Stalin was responsible for murdering of 21,000,000.
Mao Sea-tung was responsible for murdering of 70,000,000.
American Abortion Clinics between 1973-2017 were responsible for murdering over 62,000,000
But what's the real result of all of this. Beautiful little children that will never see a morning sunrise, never go to their first day of school. Never go to their fist school dance, never go on their first date, Never graduate from high school. Never get married, never see their children born, never watch their children's first steps. Never make love, argue, cry, rejoice, plan, dream. work, play or grow old, Never see their grand children. Never have the experiences we take for granted. American's have a lot nerve having a righteous indignation towards the Nazi's. When we are proving everyday to be far worse!